
Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

5 List Potent medicinal Plants

Growing herbs is an easy way to add some edible plants for your garden. Most plants are very diverse, and grow well in soil or in containers. Herbs are usually annual, except for the hot climate will make a great addition to the traditional flower and also nice accent almost windowboxes or containers next to the network or outside the kitchen door. If you are familiar with herbs that grow, or want to know how generally less known varieties of these plants are edible herb section better homes and gardens plant encyclopedia contains detailed information about the growing needs of each plant, such as sunlight or "alternative benefits of water, and USDA resistance zone. you will also learn tips from experts for growing plants can be delicious and ideas for using plants in your favorite recipes. a list of plants, common name or scientific name.

Sweet, Myrica Pennsylvania
  • Light: Part Sun, Sun
  • Height: 3-8 m
  • Zone: 3-7
  • Type: Herb, Shrub
Bayberry shrub forms a nice semi-evergreen, moist soil, prevent uscate.Arbust as well as resistant to salt spray, making it a good choice for coastal landscapes. Plants underground suckers gradually spread, eventually forming Grove. Pruning should rarely.

Bayberry already appreciated for its fragrant waxy berries gray, which can be used to make candles. Plants male or female; to ensure the production of berries, plant shrubs same landscape. Berries are also interesting for a wide variety of songbirds.

Catnip, Calamintha
  • Height: 1-3 feet
  • area: 4-9
  • Type: Long
Dotted with catnip masses of small flowers that attract butterflies not midsummer until frost. The small flowers are white or pale lavender baby good replacement for breathing. Catnip is a member of the mint family, but extends runners usually do so well behaved in the garden. However, it can self-seed and sometimes open the rest of the landscape. Grow catnip in a place with good drainage for low maintenance, drought-resistant perennial, texture space.

Catnip, nepeta cat
  • Light: sun, sun
  • Height: 1-3 feet
  • Zone: 3-9
  • Type: Herb
Catnip easy to grow perennials are grown primarily for its aromatic leaves that are very attractive to cats. A strong plant, Catnip can be grown indoors in a sunny window sill or in a bright place outdoors. Like many mites can become aggressive. Plant in a location that is easy to control. And remove the flower heads to maturity and seed set. Vintage kitten off at any time, as a gift for your favorite animal of the cat family. You can also dry the leaves and other toys kitten. Aromatic leaves also reject mosquitoes.

Green onion, Allium schoenoprasum
  • Light: sun, sun
  • Height: 1-3 feet
  • Zone: 3-10
  • Type: Long
Green onions decorate garden with bright green stems and flowers are pinkish-purple pompon - which offers a mild smell of onions is no doubt. Versatile and easy to grow onions thrive in containers, and gain a winning edge in landing. Green onion crop convenient means; Bank of the kitchen door garden fresh flavors to keep on hand. After flowering onion, chopped plants to stimulate the growth of new, cutting of beam time. Winter in regions such as the agricultural season winds down, dig a couple of bulbs in a pot on a sunny windowsill put.

Comfrey, Symphytum SPP.
  • Height: 3 to 8 meters
  • Zone: 4-9
  • Type: Herb

Comfrey leaves are full of nutrients that high potassium fertilizer natural or added to compost. This makes the perennial roots that pull nutrients from large hairy leaves of the plant. Better grows in wet places, rich in organic matter. Strengthening the city Okopnyk drug, is a strong plant that can grow up to 4 feet inaltime.Planta apply rhizomes and can be

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