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Traditional medicine Uric Acid |
You Search A solution Traditional Medicines and uric acid that natural and reliable, You now have been is located right, you are here to find solutions to your Health. Before go the problem about Around traditional medicine uric acid, you should have to know for and the chronology of gout muscle So you knew how to fight against disease and uric acid.
Ashan muscle can happen because there was also a substance purine excessive in our bodies, where purine substance in the body will be processed in our bodies to uric acid that would set the level that he suffered from uric acid disease by kidneys and the others will pass through urine. Problems will arise when degree excessive and kidneys are not able to organize degree that can lead to tertimbunnya network joints, Leukemia serum levels too long can cause pain in their joints and leave it alone in what will become worse and worse and and sooner or later danger patients are not able to walk.
The cause of the disease following a uric acid in two parts, to Whom It is You know:
- The First cause of uric acid can be our own bodies, which is in crisis has genetic engineering and hormones that are not fluid that can lead to body metabolism disturbed with menaiknya acidity uric acid in the body.
- Both can be due factors outside the body we,which is due intake of food that we manage daily, too many mmengkonsumsi durations food was a major factor purine that of a disease uric acid.
Symptoms symptoms uric acid In our body
- Experience any pain, pain in their joints and stiffness and numbness.
- When had been severe foot will swell and from experiencing inflammatory skin look to red.
- When move will melami pain and/or sore
- Symptoms that are experienced in our body like feet and hands, heel knee and wrist
- When the night these symptoms will be felt strongly and in the morning
- Should to memastiak bahwan you attacked this disease you should check to experts.
Many kinds of traditional medication For uric acid and
traditional medicine uric acid is a traditional medication that generations has from the era our fathers, who is expected of a plant it can be in medicine and the beasts that are in indonesia, Treatment tradisioanal essentially only rely on their ability and skills that are landasi beliefs and practices that based on the result that has been tested both direct and written, following Drug Tradisioanal uric acid, which has been proven to be effective Berkasiat era finger our ancestors.
1. Leaves
leaves in addition to use for the seasoning was cooking had been able to treat uric acid, leaves contains compounds such as antioxidant, which is very good for health. The cooking method leaves bay leaf salamsediakan 10 700cc with water and 0.5 batang sere boil until it and were always booked decoction was up to 200 CC, and wait for drinking warm,
2. Tempuyung
content that was found in tempuyung as mannitol Alpha-lactocerol,, inositol, ilica, potassium, flavonoid and tarasasterol, which is able to treat uric acid, and even hemorrhage and blood penitents could also be in dealing with this tempuyung.
3. Sidaguri.
Content that was found in these plants such as alkanoid, phenol, calcium,tannin, saponin, acid energy, oil asiri,substance phlegmatic, calcium oxalic acid, steroids, flavonoid, efedrin, How to cook Sidaguri To uric acid: roots sidaguri in iris slice (10-15gr) and rebuslah roots sidaguri dried up, and the water 3 glasses to boiling water and were always booked up to 1 glass, How to drink: Drink 1/2 cup 2hari once.
Attention. Mother pregnant women were banned Drinking was Because they can undermine content,
4. Moustache Cats And Meniran.
Content that was found in Meniran existing definitions as, filantin, hipofilantin, potassium, resins, tannin and flavonoid medicines to treat uric acid, while Moustache cats can memperlancarair art that can destroy kidney stones,content that was found in moustache cat: orthosiphonin glikosidayang function cast uric acid in our body. the cooking method: Take 5 5 bay leaf moustache cats, 5 branch Meniran , 3 glasses of water boil until it and were always booked 1/2 cup drink a few days.
5. Sambiloto.
the cooking method: 30gram sambiloto, 15 grams dry sambiloto, 25 gram turmeric and wash the material with mencucinya and rebuslah with 3gelas water wait until boiling singga remains
So, Now you know how which way to overcome uric acid and the solution, Hopefully can help you
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