Rosemary |
Your arsenal of
home remedies is to get a lot more spicy with this
best healing herbs. Although
herbs have been used for hundreds of years to heal, scientists are finally starting to demonstrate the ability of these systems "to reduce the pain of arthritis, reduce high blood sugar and cholesterol, and help with a variety of other conditions . they also are finding new amazing powers of the best herbal remedies, such as the ability to kill cancer cells and help problem drinkers curb their alcohol consumption.
Herbs and other natural remedies can be as effective as
traditional medicine, often without the same negative side effects," says Roberta Lee, MD, medical director of the
Continuum Center for Health and Healing at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City.
Here are
10 superhealers want to add the
natural part of your medicine cabinet and also for your favorite recipes. Fold one or two of them to cook every day can yield great benefits.
Turmeric: Ease Arthritis
A portion filled with curry can reduce pain. That's because turmeric, the spice used in curry, contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory that works similar to the Cox-2 inhibitor, a drug that reduces the enzyme COX-2, which causes pain and swelling of arthritis, Lee said.
E 'can also: prevent colon cancer and Alzheimer's disease. According to a small clinical study conducted by the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, curcumin can help reduce precancerous lesions known as colon polyps, when taken with a small amount of quercetin, a powerful antioxidant found in onions, apples, and cabbage. The average number of polyps fell more than 60% and are still reducing by more than 50%. In a 2006 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's, researchers at UCLA have discovered that curcumin also helps cleanse the brain plaques that are characteristic of this disease.
Maximize the benefits: for
general health, Lee proposes to add spice to your kitchen, when possible. For therapeutic doses, James A. Duke, Ph.D., author of The Green Pharmacy, showed 400 mg of curcumin extract three times a day, right in line with what the subjects of the study of colon polyps take (480 mg of curcumin and 20 mg of quercetin, three times a day).
Cinnamon: blood sugar
In a German study recently with type 2 diabetes, taking cinnamon extract reduced daily success of sugar in the blood of about 10%.
It can also: Lowers cholesterol. Cinnamon packs a one-two for people with type 2 diabetes, reducing the risk of heart-related. In another study of diabetics, cut cholesterol by 13% and triglycerides by 23%.
Maximize the benefits: to tame blood sugar, study subjects taking 1 g of cinnamon extract capsules standard everyday, while the study of cholesterol has from 1 to 6 g. But keep in mind that a large number of herbs that can actually be dangerous, so as to maintain the extract soluble in water. Terry Graedon, Ph.D., co-author with her husband, Joe, from the choice of Pharmacy of the People, advise brand Cinnulin PF.
Rosemary: Avoid carcinogens
Frying, broiling, or grilling meats at high temperatures creates HCAs (heterocyclic amines), potent carcinogens implicated in several cancers. But the levels of HCA are significantly reduced when rosemary extract (commonly powder) mixed into meat before cooking, said the researchers at Kansas State University. "Rosemary contains carnosol and acid rosemarinic, two powerful antioxidants that destroy HCA," said researcher J. Scott Smith, PhD.
E 'can also: Stop the tumor. Rosemary extract helps prevent carcinogens that enter the body by binding to DNA, the first step in the formation of tumors, according to several studies on animals. When researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign eat rosemary extract in rats exposed to dimethylbenzanthracene, a carcinogen that causes breast cancer, both DNA damage and cancer decreased. "Need human research to do," said study author Keith W. Singletary, PhD. "But rosemary has shown a lot of potential cancer protective."
Maximize the benefits: To reduce HCA, Smith recommends marinating food in the supermarket spice mixture that contains rosemary and one or more of the spices thyme, oregano, basil, garlic, onion, parsley or.
Ginger: Rejecting nausea
Ginger can prevent the stomach from a variety of sources, including pregnancy, motion sickness, and chemotherapy. "This is one of the drugs that mom really work," said Suzanna M. Zick, ND, MPH, a research investigator at the University of Michigan. A powerful antioxidant, ginger works by blocking the effect of serotonin, a chemical produced by the brain and the stomach when you are sick, and to stop the production of free radicals, another cause of disturbance in your stomach. In a study of passenger cruise ships traveling rough seas, 500 mg of ginger every 4 hours as effective as Dramamine, OTC drugs commonly used motion sickness. In another study, in which subjects took 940 mg, is even more effective than medication.
E 'can also: Reduce blood pressure, arthritis pain, and the risk of cancer. Ginger helps regulate blood flow, which can lower blood pressure, says Zick, and anti-inflammatory properties can help relieve arthritis. Ginger extract had a significant effect in reducing pain in all 124 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, in a study conducted at the Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center and University of Miami. Forces of the same anti-inflammatory help powdered ginger kill ovarian cancer cells and, or better than traditional chemotherapy, at least in the test tube, found a study by the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center. Although further tests are needed, Zick and the authors of the study are very enthusiastic about the prospects: "Our preliminary results indicate that ginger may have a significant therapeutic benefit for patients with ovarian cancer."
Maximize the benefits: for nausea, ginger is best taken before symptoms begin, at least 30 minutes before departure, said Graedons. It is recommended that a capsule containing 500 to 1000 mg of dry ginger every four hours, up to a maximum of 4 g per day.
Holy Basil: Combat Stress
Several animal studies back holy basil, a special variety of plants that you use in your pesto, reducing stress, increasing adrenaline and noradrenaline and serotonin decrease. It is not surprising Pratima Nangia-Makker, PhD, a researcher at the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, whose mother and grandmother rely on tea made from the leaves of holy basil to relieve indigestion and headaches.
E 'can also: inhibition of breast cancer. The first in a test tube and then in mice, a tea made from the holy basil shrink tumors, reduce their blood supply, and stop its spread, found Nangia-Makker, who plans to study the effects on humans.
Maximize the benefits: to relieve stress, try the holy basil extract from the new chapter or Om Organics, widely available in health food stores. To help in the treatment of breast cancer, Nangia-Makker suggest drinking this tea every day: Pour 2 cups of boiling water over 10 to 15 fresh leaves of holy basil (other varieties of basil will not work) and steep 5 minutes. Remove the leaves before eating. If you are being treated for breast cancer, be sure to check with your doctor. It is unlikely to find plants at your local nursery, but you can order and biological holy basil seeds of Horizon herbs.
St. John's wort: overcome your fears
You probably know that research has confirmed the strength of this herb to relieve mild to moderate depression and anxiety as effective as many drugs without side effects.
Maybe it helps you to snooze more deeply. St. John's wort is not only contain melatonin, a hormone that regulates our sleep-wake cycle, but also increase their own melatonin in the body, improve sleep, says a report of the Surgeon General. (It's 20 ways to sleep better every night can also help.)
Maximize the benefits: For both mood and sleep, Duke author recommends a supplement containing at least 0.3% hypericin (active phytochemicals) per capsule or 300 mg of extract to be taken three times a day. Caution: St. John's wort has been shown to interact with some prescription medications, so be sure to check with your doctor before taking it.
Lower the risk of cancer: Garlic
The high consumption of garlic lowers the level of the ovary, colon, and other types of cancer, according to a review of the research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A clinical study in Japan also found that after one year of age take garlic extract supplement, people with a history of colon polyps seen a decrease in the size and number of precancerous growths identified by their doctor.
E 'can also: To provide cardiovascular benefits. Garlic contains more than 70 active phytochemicals, including allicin, which many studies have shown a decrease in blood pressure high of 30 points. Garlic can help prevent strokes and slowing the clogging of the arteries, according to a clinical study for a year at UCLA. Furthermore, the level of homocysteine patient, a chemical substance which leads to the formation of plaque, down 12%.
Maximize the benefits: minced fresh garlic provides the best cardiovascular benefits and the fight against cancer, said Duke. But you have to go up to five cloves every day. Try Kyolic aged garlic extract capsules (1000 mg), the product used in many studies.
3 Superhealers more you should know about
1. Andrographis: Shorten Summer Colds Andrographis does a great job to free upper respiratory tract infections, such as colds or sinusitis, says a new study. A study in the journal Phytomedicine reported that the symptoms subside herbs such as fatigue, insomnia, sore throat, runny nose and up to 90%.
Maximize the benefits: Lee and Graedons recommend Kan Jang (available at ProActive BioProducts), herbal extracts produced by the Swedish Herbal and is used in numerous studies.
2. Sea Buckthorn: Reverse vaginal dryness buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is very effective to hydrate mucous membranes and reduce vaginal dryness. It contains palmitoleic acid, a fatty acid found in human skin that helps to hydrate and heal.
Maximize the benefits: Lee recommends four capsules daily Supercritical Omega 7, supplementation with sea buckthorn new chapter. It 'available in health food stores.
3. Kudzu: Curb Problem heavy drinking group of moderate drinkers aged 20 to voluntarily reduce their consumption of beer in half after taking capsules containing Chinese herbs (also called Pueraria lobata) during the week, according to a study published in Alcoholism: clinical and Experimental Research. Researchers say kudzu alcohol allowing faster to reach the part of the brain that tells you that you've had enough.
Maximize the benefits: the participants took capsules with 500 mg of kudzu extract three times a day.
3 rules for safer Self-Healing
Natural ingredients often works as a drug in the body, said Joe and Terry Graedon. They were invited to follow these precautions.
Rule: Do not assume it's safe. The herbs are not regulated by the FDA for safety or effectiveness. So look for a label for the seal of approval from USP (United States Pharmacopeia) or CL (Consumer-Lab.com), showing approved by academic laboratories certified. For an additional fee, you can search for specific products on ConsumerLab.com.
Rules: talk to your doctor. Its best to tell if you're considering a supplement. Some herbs can interact with certain medications, including those for high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression, as well as blood thinners and also over the counter medications.
Rule: do not overdo it. More is not always better and can be dangerous. Always follow the dosage instructions.