
Sabtu, 07 Februari 2015

Medicinal plants And How did it make it

Medicinal plants And How did it make it.
Our country is a country that is famous for plants and spices spices for medicinal plants, From the era of the fathers until the modren now medicinal herbs can cure various diseases, but it is in preserve our society especially indonesia preferred produc health chemicals to produck health from the outside, But our country is very rich and natural in terms of drugs.

Medicinal plants or in call traditional medicines also have many kinds and there are many benefits, medicinal plants in Indonesia is able to overcome various diseases light or heavy disease. Traditional medicines plants that were in the land indonesia this beloved country sundah is tested in compare with drugs chemicals that is only temporary, And here's an example for medicinal plants that you can use as alternative medicines which is effective in and around our house.

Here are the Kinds medicinal plants And How to make it.

  • Celery (Apium Graviolens)
  • Blustru (Luffa Aegyptica Mill)
  • Pegs Earth or staff Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack)
  • Noni (Morinda Citrifolia)
  • Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera)
  • The Makassar (Brucea Javanica)
  • Star fruit (Averrhoa Carambola)
  • Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza)
  • Leaves the Gods (Gynura Divaricata)
  •  Distance (Ricinus Communis)

1. Celery (Apium Graviolens)
Celery delicious flavor made at a time when cook apparently celery have Khasiatbuat uric acid content that was found in celery Calcium,phosphorus. How to make it: take celery daily bread and are mixed with water boil until it and in every morning, to drink

2. Blustru (Luffa Aegyptica Mill)
Blustru is a kind of medicinal plants that are already in inheritance from the era ancestor, blustru was fully useful for cure asthma. How to make it: Take blustru and bersikan with wash, then buried in the rice that was getting hot, and can eat as dish at a time when we eat.

3. Pegs Earth or staff Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack)
of plants Pegs Earth in indonesia there are many we come across in Kalimantan, Pegs this earth spice improve cholestrol in men and to be able to increase the passion sex man.

4. Noni (Morinda Citrifolia)
Menkudu is believed on coronary cardiac disease can treat and prevent the coronary heart disease. How to make it: Take fruit juice and washing to profit And in juice into blander, after having enough price in filter took water and are mixed honey sufficient, may be in dinner 2x daily after meals.

5. Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera)
aloe vera has been known many people if aloe vera spice for beauty and medicine, and even in neighboring Japan is currently doing research for cancer drugs. How to Make it: You can jadikanmakanan such as small typical Pontianak.only copy cat only

6. The Makassar (Brucea Javanica)
of Makassar was a bitter feeling and toxic, but if you thoroughly with these plants you can use diabetes mellitus as oabat, because he was able to reduce the level of sugar in our bodies. How to make it: Seduhlah fruit of Makassar into cup enough with water-and-a-half and drink 2-3x daily. If you are reluctant to searching for Makassar fruit you can get in the store herbal shop because there has been prepared even to the dry ground.

7. Star fruit (Averrhoa Carambola)
contains a pitch can be in star fruit such as vitamin A, B, C, Protein Calcium and others can reduce high blood cholesterol And treat was, How fitter simple eat every day after eating.

8. Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza)
content that was found in wild ginger as curcumin who are able to treat anti-inflammatory and anti-poisoning bile .Temulawak mmapu cure disease that has a role hipatitis B cancer hat.

9. Leaves the Gods (Gynura Divaricata)
leaves the deity at believed to be able to and useful for treating stroke, where the leaves the deity is essential oils, soponin dau, the council also able to heal the wound like a badly bruised and reduce heat blood.

10. Distance (Ricinus Communis)
Distance have the efficacy in its roots as rheumatic drugs, in castor seed was sweet and spicy castor seed but neutral. you can use as drug cervical cancer, hernia,rheumatism, tuberculosis, etc.

So medicinal plants And the way Making it and hopefully bsa help you and your family bermanfat for all.

Jumat, 06 Februari 2015

Traditional Medicines and uric acid that Regulates Without side effect

Traditional medicine Uric Acid 

You Search A solution Traditional Medicines and uric acid that natural and reliable, You now have been is located right, you are here to find solutions to your Health. Before go the problem about Around traditional medicine uric acid, you should have to know for and the chronology of gout muscle So you knew how to fight against disease and uric acid.

Ashan muscle can happen because there was also a substance purine excessive in our bodies, where purine substance in the body will be processed in our bodies to uric acid that would set the level that he suffered from uric acid disease by kidneys and the others will pass through urine. Problems will arise when degree excessive and kidneys are not able to organize degree that can lead to tertimbunnya network joints, Leukemia serum levels too long can cause pain in their joints and leave it alone in what will become worse and worse and and sooner or later danger patients are not able to walk.

The cause of the disease following a uric acid in two parts, to Whom It is You know:

  • The First cause of uric acid can be our own bodies, which is in crisis has genetic engineering and hormones that are not fluid that can lead to body metabolism disturbed with menaiknya acidity uric acid in the body.
  • Both can be due factors outside the body we,which is due intake of food that we manage daily, too many mmengkonsumsi durations food was a major factor purine that of a disease uric acid.

Symptoms symptoms uric acid In our body

  • Experience any pain, pain in their joints and stiffness and numbness.
  • When had been severe foot will swell and from experiencing inflammatory skin look to red.
  • When move will melami pain and/or sore
  • Symptoms that are experienced in our body like feet and hands, heel knee and wrist
  • When the night these symptoms will be felt strongly and in the morning
  • Should to memastiak bahwan you attacked this disease you should check to experts.

Many kinds of traditional medication For uric acid and

traditional medicine uric acid is a traditional medication that generations has from the era our fathers, who is expected of a plant it can be in medicine and the beasts that are in indonesia, Treatment tradisioanal essentially only rely on their ability and skills that are landasi beliefs and practices that based on the result that has been tested both direct and written, following Drug Tradisioanal uric acid, which has been proven to be effective Berkasiat era finger our ancestors.

1. Leaves
leaves in addition to use for the seasoning was cooking had been able to treat uric acid, leaves contains compounds such as antioxidant, which is very good for health. The cooking method leaves bay leaf salamsediakan 10 700cc with water and 0.5 batang sere boil until it and were always booked decoction was up to 200 CC, and wait for drinking warm,

2. Tempuyung
content that was found in tempuyung as mannitol Alpha-lactocerol,, inositol, ilica, potassium, flavonoid and tarasasterol, which is able to treat uric acid, and even hemorrhage and blood penitents could also be in dealing with this tempuyung.

3. Sidaguri.
Content that was found in these plants such as alkanoid, phenol, calcium,tannin, saponin, acid energy, oil asiri,substance phlegmatic, calcium oxalic acid, steroids, flavonoid, efedrin, How to cook Sidaguri To uric acid: roots sidaguri in iris slice (10-15gr) and rebuslah roots sidaguri dried up, and the water 3 glasses to boiling water and were always booked up to 1 glass, How to drink: Drink 1/2 cup 2hari once.
Attention. Mother pregnant women were banned Drinking was Because they can undermine content,

4. Moustache Cats And Meniran.
Content that was found in Meniran existing definitions as, filantin, hipofilantin, potassium, resins, tannin and flavonoid medicines to treat uric acid, while Moustache cats can memperlancarair art that can destroy kidney stones,content that was found in moustache cat: orthosiphonin glikosidayang function cast uric acid in our body. the cooking method: Take 5 5 bay leaf moustache cats, 5 branch Meniran , 3 glasses of water boil until it and were always booked 1/2 cup drink a few days.

5. Sambiloto.
the cooking method: 30gram sambiloto, 15 grams dry sambiloto, 25 gram turmeric and wash the material with mencucinya and rebuslah with 3gelas water wait until boiling singga remains

So, Now you know how which way to overcome uric acid and the solution, Hopefully can help you

Rabu, 04 Februari 2015

Benefits of Papaya Leaves Make the human body.

Papaya Leaf.
Besides delicious papaya leaves in cooking the food, was able to enjoy the extraordinary for our body, papaya itself is very nice if at the same meal salad spicy sauce is very tasty menu for people who are fond of bitter, Papaya Leaf has been known since ancient times immemorial are made in traditional medicine that can cure various kinds of diseases, a disease that can be treated with papaya leaves DAJA among worms, dengue fever, menstrual pain and malnutrition in children.

Here's contents in papaya leaves.

  • Vitamin C 140 mg.
  • Calories 79 Cal.
  • 8.0 grams of protein.
  • 2 grams of fat.
  • Charcoal hydrate 11.9 grams.
  • Calcium 353 mg.
  • Fasfor 63mg.
  • Iron 0.8 mg.
  • 75.4 grams of water.
Carposideyang in papaya leaves serve as an anthelmintic.
In addition to the leaves, roots, papaya latex which banayak containing papayotin, karpain, kausyuk, karposit, vitamins. AND also interest you can make fresh vegetables or cooked vegetables.

Efficacy Efficacy contained within Papaya Leaf.

  • Treating Dengue
  • Increase Appetite
  • Treating dysmenorrhea
  • Melancarkan Digestive
  • Masker Anti Acne
  • anticancer -Senyawa
  • Stomach pain -Treating Toddlers
  • Kekurangan Nutrition in Toddlers
  • other Benefits

Treating Dengue.
If your family members and even friends you have dengue fever you can browse handle this papaya. How to cook papaya for dengue medicine
-Ambilah Some papaya leaves about 5 pieces then boil 3 cups water 1 cup hinggamendidih and disakan.

increase Appetite
Carica papaya is very good for enhancing the appetite anda.Cara cooking to increase the appetite
- Prepare a sheet of papaya leaves and a pinch of salt, along with half a cup of hot water only, and Mix all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth and strain and take the water then drink it after draws, this herb is very convenient and safe for children and adults.

Treat and eliminate pain Nasa On Menstruation
Take tamarind and papaya leaves leaves to about 1 papaya and tamarind, salt and flavor mixing them secupupnya boiled to the boiling point, for best results, we recommend getting a hot drink hot.

Pencernaan launched in the stomach.
Karpain the content in papaya effective for digestion darting this way you can eat with friends rice salad etc you can carry food.

For acne mask
Papaya leaves are highly nutritious for skin care, especially for eliminating acne on our face. How to Dry papaya Wear then destroyed san Lumatlah to mix a little water. processed for how usapkanlah as everyone wear had to wear masks.

Treat Abdominal Pain

Can treat colic in babies, such as flatulence, How two pieces of papaya, three strands tangakainya make dadap blade holder, whiting to taste all the ingredients and mix them until smooth tumbuklah, how the results Apply this mixture on the inflated feeling or pain.

Hope you can help solve problems in suffering pain problems papaya leaves as an herbal alternative medicine.